While people often think of sustainability as minimizing our environmental footprint, it is in fact much broader and all-encompassing than this. Sustainable tourism is all about achieving a balance between economic growth, human well-being, and environmental health. It focuses on reducing tourism’s negative impacts and on maximizing its positive benefits for communities, cultures, ecosystems, and the planet. Sustainable tourism accounts for both the immediate impacts felt today as well as those longer-term impacts that will be experienced by future generations.
Having a sustainable summer vacation starts with eco-friendly transportation to your destination. The transport sector accounts for 29% of world carbon emissions – it has the largest GHG share.
This summer, when going to the lake, the beach, or a picnic to relax with your family, use eco-friendly transport options. These eco-friendly options include taking a walk, riding a bike, or taking public transportation instead of a personal car.
If it’s an accessible area, biking is an eco-friendly way to travel. It also promotes exercise and builds up muscle strength. It is also good for your heart, lungs, and overall circulation. Plus, it’s a low-impact exercise if your body needs a rest.
Using a bike also conserves non-renewable resources and reduces air pollution. Take a bike ride to explore a new town or even hidden spots in your neighborhood. Instead of driving, take a bicycle to your local ice cream shop.
To make your traveling even more sustainable, use eco-friendly travel essentials, like a hemp backpack, bamboo toothbrushes, and ethical clothes. To further minimize the environmental impact of your trips, you can purchase carbon offsets.
Learn more about EvCC Sustainability! www.everettcc.edu/green
Mariya Zelenskyy – Media and Outreach Coordinator sustainability@everettcc.edu