Sustainable Podcasts!

Everyone loves a good podcast. Here are some good ones themed around sustainable topics.

Treehugger’s podcast: This is a podcast about ecological restoration

Gravy Podcast: A podcast from the Southern Foodways Alliance about foodways in the American south and sustainable food topics.

One to Grow on Podcast: This is a podcast about how food production impacts us and our world as well as agriculture. Topics like Navajo food sovereignty are covered.

Beyond Waste Podcast: This podcast is made by Post Action Landfill Network about the systemic impacts of various kinds of waste and what we can do about it.

CRT Television Preservation

CRT Televisions should be donated instead of being thrown away or recycled. They are extremely difficult to recycle because the leaded glass they contain has essentially no profit value and it can cause environmental contamination. They should be donated instead because many people still love CRTs and there are many communities that like to preserve these old technologies for use with old video games, VHS, LaserDisc, and more. A video game’s look and feel can be highly dependent on specific hardware setups like CRTs. Old video games often perform better on CRTs and even some games like the original Duck Hunt only work on CRTs. So instead of throwing away an old television, give it a new home! Read more about CRT preservation here:

CRTs are the main way to play Super Smash Bros Melee competitively. You will find lots of them at esports tournaments

Ways to Reduce Stormwater Runoff

What is stormwater runoff? On a forest floor, the rain is absorbed by the soil, but when rainwater falls on the mainly non-permeable surfaces we use like asphalt, gravel and concrete; this rain can mix with harmful substances on the ground like oil. This runoff ends up polluting our waterways and hurting wildlife.

There are many ways to reduce and combat stormwater runoff such as never dumping anything down a storm drain, avoiding pesticides, picking up pet waste, rerouting water from a downspout to help rain soak into the soil, repairing leaky side sewers, and much more. Check out a local stormwater or stream group like SnoKing Watershed Council ( to learn more and find stream and habitat restoration volunteer opportunities.

Visit this link to learn more about ways to reduce stormwater:

See if you can get a rebate for installing a rain garden or cistern:

Check out the Tulalip Tribes resources and virtual library about climate change, salmon, stormwater, and much more here:

North Creek Park is not just a fun trail to visit, but also is a storm water retention facility. Wetlands like the one in this park act as filters for urban environments. When water reaches the wetland, gravity slowly pulls the water through the soil and plants, which removes fine pollutants like fertilizers and oil.

Hydroponics and Aquaponics

Hydroponics is a way of cultivating plants in nutrient-rich water instead of soil. Aquaponics is a combination of hydroponics with aquaculture( raising fish and other aquatic animals). These create self-sustainable and symbiotic systems which are capable of producing a wide variety of crops from lettuce, herbs, melons, berries, beans, peas, and much more.

This graph briefly explains the symbiotic and self sustaining aquaponics system.

Farmer Frog in Woodinville has a great aquaponics system. There are lots of kinds of fish used such as trout but the main fish are koi. To learn more about Farmer Frog and their aquaponics system, visit their website:

To learn more about hydroponics and aquaponics check out these resources: and Also make sure to check out the Everett Clippers Aquaponics article by Crystin Clouser:

Peppers growing in the Farmer Frog Aquaponics System

Everett Wind Team

The Everett Wind Team is a combined effort from Washington State University Everett and Everett Community College that’s working on exciting new turbine designs and projects for an upcoming interdisciplinary wind energy competition. They need help from students pursuing a wide variety of majors. This is a great opportunity to learn, network, and add some community service to a resume.

EvCC Partners with 3-R Technology to benefit Bangalore Orphanage

“I’m happy to report that our latest shipment of laptops refurbished by 3R Technology just arrived at the Homes of Hope India orphanage in Bangalore. This facility provides housing, meals, and education for over a hundred young women and girls from one of the most disenfranchised and under-served communities in the world. These laptops help ensure much-needed education and training for their academic and employment future.”
Many thanks to you and all our customers for helping us make these donations possible! Your commitment to environmentally sound and ethical electronics recycling makes a tremendous difference…”    


 –Glen Giados, the CEO of 3-R Technology,  regarding the more than 5 tons of electronic waste that Everett Community College and local community members have recycled by partnering with 3-R Technology/Recycling  in the past 3 years during EvCC Sustainability recycling events.