Sustainable Tree Removal and Transplant by EvCC Grounds Dept

EvCC Grounds works hard to manage campus grounds with an eye towards sustainability.  This ethic was demonstrated recently when a tree located west of the Olympus building outgrew it’s location.

Rather than cutting down the tree, campus grounds employees John Syson, Brent Sall and Scotty Smith used campus equipment to relocate the beautiful Liquidambar Styraciflua or Liquid Amber (commonly known as an American Sweetgum).

At 30 inches in diameter and 30 feet tall, the average cost for a commercial move or purchase of a tree this size would have been  $1500.00 – $2000.00!  Grounds transplanted the tree for about $70.00.

The tree was removed from the Lot “A” west flower bed  and planted in Lot “C” on the hillside.

EvCC Offers Free Holiday Tree Recycling Jan 2 through Feb 2 2018

Trees can be dropped off between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.  Trees must be free of decorations, tinsel and other non-biodegradable materials. No flocked trees will be accepted.

EvCC is located at 2000 Tower St. in Everett. Drop off trees in the marked area in parking lot F. To see the location of parking lot F, visit and click Campus Map.

EvCC has been recycling holiday trees since 2009. Last year, EvCC collected approximately more than 250 trees that were turned into woodchips on site and used for campus flower beds and mulch.

For more information, call 425-388-9512.