This afternoon, the ASB Senate approved a proposal to open a student body election on a sustainability fee. This comes at a time when the United States government has displayed an extreme lack of leadership on issues concerning climate change and the environment, noted as one of the reasons for approving this fee proposal. The motion was nearly unanimous, with only one opposing vote.
The fee, which would be set at $0.50 per credit with a maximum of $7.50 per quarter, is intended to establish a more inclusive sustainability initiative that empowers the student body to lead EvCC toward a greener future. Widespread support has been generated from groups and individuals across campus, such as the Students for Environmental Action Club and Student LIFE. Now that this fee is officially a student body referendum, the focus of the group behind the project will shift toward reaching out to the greater campus community to educate the students on what they will be voting on. The election is anticipated to be held in early Winter Quarter during the 2017-18 academic year.
The revenue from the fee will be allocated to three different funds. The Campus Sustainability Fund will offer grant opportunities to students, staff and faculty who have the desire to implement their own “green” projects. The Green Investments Fund is a way to leverage the limited amount of money available via revolving loans and rebates, to accomplish infrastructural improvements and energy efficiency retrofits. Finally, a portion of the revenue will be allocated to the Sustainability Office to create more student employment opportunities.
This referendum is significant, as it has been expressed that it will likely determine the future of EvCC’s sustainability efforts. The original funding is nearly diminished and the College is facing cuts in state funding. This pairing of dilemmas indicates that some of the programs currently in place would go away if no solution is found, and stalls in future projects are anticipated.
Check back soon for updates on this development, or contact the EvCC Sustainability Team to get involved or learn more by emailing