Last Saturday, EvCC’s SEA club took a trip to the Beacon Hill Food Forest in Seattle to see what kinds of environmental action other people are taking in the community! This was a really fun place to visit and they had a great variety of plants, fruits, and vegetables. From fig trees, to squashes, native blackberries, gooseberries, blueberries, tomatoes, flowers, peas, nuts, and much more. There are places for people to rent private garden space as well and they are working on expanding the size of the food forest at Beacon Hill.
But what is a food forest? A food forest is a gardening technique/land management system that features creating a more natural forest-like environment with different types of plants including fruit and nut trees, edible perennials, berry shrubs, and other edible plants. Opposed to industrial agriculture which focuses more on harvesting a single kind of crop repeatedly on plots of land. Beacon Hill Food Forest is driven by volunteer action to create change at the grassroots level. If you would like to find out more about the Beacon Hill Food Forest visit their website at: