During this difficult time, many of us have moved to ordering groceries online. You can still shop sustainably online and here’s how! Try to find what produce is in season because getting out of season fruits and vegetables encourages them to be shipped from far away countries. Also avoid buying prewashed produce as that wastes water. You should buy produce that you can wash at home. buying used, local, bulk items, organic, and items with fair trade labels are good tips to shop buy as well.
There are several apps that can help with sustainable shopping such as Good On which checks to see the impact a particular brand has on the planet and people and Depop which is an app where people sell old or thrifted clothes. Online stores that sell sustainable clothes include Lacausa, Everlane, and Kotn.
There are also websites that sell sustainable cleaning products. Visit https://www.diynatural.com/ to find homemade cleaning items like soaps. https://follain.com/ is an online shop that curates only clean beauty products and has multipurpose soap where you can send bottles back to be refilled. Other clean beauty shops are Kosas, RMS, Lush, and Ilia.
Check out https://goloadup.com/ways-shop-sustainably/ and http://www.fairtradeamerica.org/get%20involved/How-to-Shop-Sustainably for more sustainable and green shopping tips!