Dr. Jeffery Jensen is an ichthyologist (ichthyology is the study of fish) from University of Washington Bothell and he needs volunteer salmon watchers to help view and work with salmon on streams that flow into the Sammamish River such as Bear, Lyon, Swamp, and North Creek. Dr. Jensen is studying kokanee salmon (a landlocked variation of sockeye salmon) as well as other types of salmon and fish.
If you would like to take part; visit Dr. Jensen’s blog to find all the information needed to sign up: https://jsjensenblog.wordpress.com/north-lake-washington-salmon-sightings/.
And if you ever happen to see a salmon in a local stream, fill out this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJAJAhW6MqHYtAveCXJAGAwJCwjMM9cZ7vUC7MCd7mNqVP-w/viewform