Are you a current student with ideas on how to make EvCC more sustainable?
The EvCC Student Green Fee has funds available and will be accepting student proposals Jan 1st through Jan 31st 2022.
Submit yours to be a part of making EvCC a more sustainable place!
For details and instructions or to learn about previously funded projects Click Here
In order to submit a proposal, please follow these instructions:
- First, download and save both the budget proposal form, as well as the SMARTS worksheet
- .Second, fill out the documents, saving them under the following format: ProjectPropsalName.Date.GreenFeeBPF and ProjectProposalName.Date.GreenFeeSMARTS (ex. SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeBPF and SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeSMARTS).
- Finally, email completed documents to sustainability@everettcc.edu.
To facilitate the handling of budget requests in preparation of the budget, the following dates will be adhered to:
Opportunities will be provided for all members of the college community to submit budget proposals through the budget request forms. These forms will be sent to all organizational advisors and program directors including the Vice President of College Services. The budget for every project, program or activity must be developed by the students participating in the project, program or activity in conjunction with the appropriate advisor, coach or director. The budget request form should reflect the planned project, program or activity for the next fiscal year and shall be submitted to the Sustainability and Resource Conservation Manager and the ASEvCC Sustainability Officer by the published deadline (Late budgets subject to Student Green Fee Administrative Committee discretion).
The ASEvCC Sustainability Officer shall collect all budget request forms and prepare a master budget request. The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall also meet for a preliminary information discussion session(s) to establish goals and to develop schedules and procedures.
The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall invite the various advisors or student representatives to any project, program or activity requesting funding to present their proposals or, if they are from a current- funded program, their budgets. Presentations to the committee are mandatory if requesting a budget increase (written exceptions are subject to the Student Green Fee Administrative Committee discretion).
Requestors presenting to the committee will be scheduled and the scheduled sessions will be advertised by the ASEvCC Sustainability Officer and be open to all members of the campus community. Presentations will be limited to 15-20 minutes in length, including a question and answer period.
Administrative Services personnel shall estimate the Student Green Fee revenue for the next fiscal year. The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee will determine a basic amount of revenue that are expected to be produced by each revenue-generating program. The sum of the Student Green Fee revenue and other program revenue will be the annual budget allocation. The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall meet to adjust the budget requests to the annual budget allocation.
Account directors, advisors or other representatives of student groups requesting funding for a new program, project or activity, or submitting their budgets to the Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall be notified in writing of the status of their budget and shall be advised of their
right to appeal. Appeals will be formally scheduled, and once heard, the Student Green Fee Administrative Committee will review them for possible adjustments.
Two (2) open hearings will be advertised to the campus community so that viewpoints regarding committee recommendations can be heard.
The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall prepare a balanced budget and present its recommendations to the ASEvCC Student Senate at a budget hearing during a regularly scheduled meeting to be approved with a two-thirds affirmative vote.
The College President shall receive information regarding the budget as approved by the ASEvCC Student Senate.