What is a Climate Action Plan?

Climate Action Plan Banner

Our Climate, Our Future: Climate Action Plan!

A climate action plan is a detailed and strategic framework for measuring, planning, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and related climatic impacts. Municipalities design and utilize climate action plans as customized roadmaps for making informed decisions and understanding where and how to achieve the largest and most cost-effective emissions reductions that are in alignment with other municipal goals. Climate action plans, at a minimum, include an inventory of existing emissions, reduction goals or targets, and analyzed and prioritized reduction actions. Ideally, a climate action plan also includes an implementation strategy that identifies required resources and funding mechanisms.

A Climate Action Plan (CAP) begins with an inventory of the College’s past greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and follows with a plan for reducing those emissions by a given time frame. The goal of SMC’s CAP is to achieve the largest and most cost-effective GHG emissions reduction.  

Tackling climate change is not just a technological challenge, it is a moral, ethical and social justice issue. 

A strong climate agreement backed by action on the ground will help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, build stronger economies and safer, healthier, and more liveable societies everywhere.

Learn more about EvCC Sustainability!  www.everettcc.edu/green

Mariya Zelenskyy – Media and Outreach Coordinator  sustainability@everettcc.edu

Calendar for the budget preparation of the Green Fee Proposals

Student Green Fee Project Proposals | Everett Community College

Are you a current student with ideas on how to make EvCC more sustainable? 

The EvCC Student Green Fee has funds available and will be accepting student proposals Jan 1st through Jan 31st 2022.  

Submit yours to be a part of making EvCC a more sustainable place! 

For details and instructions or to learn about previously funded projects Click Here

In order to submit a proposal, please follow these instructions:

  1.  First, download and save both the budget proposal form, as well as the SMARTS worksheet
  2. .Second, fill out the documents, saving them under the following format: ProjectPropsalName.Date.GreenFeeBPF and ProjectProposalName.Date.GreenFeeSMARTS (ex. SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeBPF and SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeSMARTS).
  3. Finally, email completed documents to sustainability@everettcc.edu.

To facilitate the handling of budget requests in preparation of the budget, the following dates will be adhered to:


Opportunities will be provided for all members of the college community to submit budget proposals through the budget request forms. These forms will be sent to all organizational advisors and program directors including the Vice President of College Services. The budget for every project, program or activity must be developed by the students participating in the project, program or activity in conjunction with the appropriate advisor, coach or director. The budget request form should reflect the planned project, program or activity for the next fiscal year and shall be submitted to the Sustainability and Resource Conservation Manager and the ASEvCC Sustainability Officer by the published deadline (Late budgets subject to Student Green Fee Administrative Committee discretion).


The ASEvCC Sustainability Officer shall collect all budget request forms and prepare a master budget request. The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall also meet for a preliminary information discussion session(s) to establish goals and to develop schedules and procedures.

The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall invite the various advisors or student representatives to any project, program or activity requesting funding to present their proposals or, if they are from a current- funded program, their budgets. Presentations to the committee are mandatory if requesting a budget increase (written exceptions are subject to the Student Green Fee Administrative Committee discretion).

Requestors presenting to the committee will be scheduled and the scheduled sessions will be advertised by the ASEvCC Sustainability Officer and be open to all members of the campus community. Presentations will be limited to 15-20 minutes in length, including a question and answer period.


Administrative Services personnel shall estimate the Student Green Fee revenue for the next fiscal year. The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee will determine a basic amount of revenue that are expected to be produced by each revenue-generating program. The sum of the Student Green Fee revenue and other program revenue will be the annual budget allocation. The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall meet to adjust the budget requests to the annual budget allocation.


Account directors, advisors or other representatives of student groups requesting funding for a new program, project or activity, or submitting their budgets to the Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall be notified in writing of the status of their budget and shall be advised of their

right to appeal. Appeals will be formally scheduled, and once heard, the Student Green Fee Administrative Committee will review them for possible adjustments.


Two (2) open hearings will be advertised to the campus community so that viewpoints regarding committee recommendations can be heard.

The Student Green Fee Administrative Committee shall prepare a balanced budget and present its recommendations to the ASEvCC Student Senate at a budget hearing during a regularly scheduled meeting to be approved with a two-thirds affirmative vote.

The College President shall receive information regarding the budget as approved by the ASEvCC Student Senate.

Green Fee Project Examples

Are you a current student with ideas on how to make EvCC more sustainable? The EvCC Student Green Fee has funds available and will be accepting student proposals Jan 1st through Jan 31st 2022.  Submit yours to be a part of making EvCC a more sustainable place! For details and instructions or to learn about previously funded projects Click Here
In order to submit a proposal, please follow these instructions: 
First, download and save both the budget proposal form, as well as the SMARTS worksheet.Second, fill out the documents, saving them under the following format: ProjectPropsalName.Date.GreenFeeBPF and ProjectProposalName.Date.GreenFeeSMARTS (ex. SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeBPF and SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeSMARTS).
Finally, email completed documents to sustainability@everettcc.edu.  
Green Fee Project Examples
Many other colleges and universities in the Pacific Northwest (and nationwide) have taken to student fees to fund their sustainability and environmental goals. Here are some examples of projects they funded through these types of fees. Below are examples of projects that have been undertaken on other campuses, or potential project ideas generated by students for our campus
.Bike Rentals Bicycling is one of the most efficient modes of sustainable transportation in urban and suburban areas. Its a healthy and sustainable way to get around, and allowing students to rent bicycles has several benefits. Now with our two student housing buildings, a program like this just makes sense for our campus!
Climate Action Plan
 The climate action plan will build on our past progress and use the campus to confront the difficult questions posed by climate change and test promising new solutions that move the college, and the world, away from fossil fuels. It also helps students to understand and address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them wit the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change. The international community recognizes the importance of education and training to address climate change.
Some colleges have used the funds from their sustainability fees to offer mini-scholarships to STEM students, specifically those studying environmental sciences or engineering.
ADA Compliance and Improvements
Some colleges have invested in improving their accessibility standards for individuals with short and long-term disabilities. Sustainability isn’t just about protecting the environment, it also incorporates principles of social justice and equity, and one way to promote these principles is by removing barriers that may make it challenging for specific groups of people to achieve educational success.
Water Bottle Fill Stations Did you know that in the United States alone, we go through enough disposable water bottles in one week to stretch around the globe two times. That’s a lot of plastic that ends up in landfills, estuaries and oceans. Though we already have a few water bottle fill stations, most buildings on campus still need to be retrofitted so we can continue to reduce our campuses reliance on disposable water bottles
.To learn more about Project ExamplesClick here: https://www.everettcc.edu/administration/college-services/facilities/sustainability/evcc-green-fee/project-examples

Use of Green Fee Funds

Student Green Fee Project Proposals | Everett Community College
Are you a current student with ideas on how to make EvCC more sustainable? The EvCC Student Green Fee has funds available and will be accepting student proposals Jan 1st through Jan 31st 2022.  Submit yours to be a part of making EvCC a more sustainable place! For details and instructions or to learn about previously funded projects Click Here
In order to submit a proposal, please follow these instructions: First, download and save both the budget proposal form, as well as the SMARTS worksheet.Second, fill out the documents, saving them under the following format: ProjectPropsalName.Date.GreenFeeBPF and ProjectProposalName.Date.GreenFeeSMARTS (ex. SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeBPF and SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeSMARTS).Finally, email completed documents to sustainability@everettcc.edu.
The funds generated by the Student Green Fee and all associated revenue, which is generated, are to be used as otherwise provided by law, rule or regulation of the Board of Trustees for the express purpose of advancing the sustainability goals of the College and the ASEvCC.When authorized and approved in a manner consistent with this Financial Code, Student Green Fee funds may be used for, but shall not be limited to:A. Projects, programs, activities or other opportunities for students and the campus community to engage in promoting or implementing sustainable practices in all campus operations.B. Travel and per diem costs for students and staff members on authorized travel status while participating in sustainability related student programs, activities or conferences.C. Salaries or compensation for students, who are employed by the Office of Sustainability, or as otherwise needed for temporary positions and internships relating to projects funded by the Student Green Fee funds.D. Supplies and materials considered essential for the day-to-day operation of the Office of Sustainability, including those for outreach and education, such as general office supplies; collateral and give-away items; posters, flyers, and other advertising mediums; technology deemed necessary for student use within the Office of Sustainability.E. Promotion of and limited support for curricular and co-curricular programs that have a sustainability-related education component.F. Subsidies or supplements to campus programs, departments and services (including contracted services) if such subsidies or supplements result in improvements to students’ access to sustainability resources, education, or demonstrates the capability to make the services of a contracted vendor on campus more sustainable.G. Dues for institutional memberships in recognized sustainability professional organizations, provided that the legality of such an expenditure is first established in consultation with the legal advisor of the College.
  EvCC Sustainability is hosting a FREE (open to all) Electronics Recycling Event on Tuesday, January 18th from 10 AM to 2 PM in Lot F.Event is no touch (drive up/get unloaded by recycling staff). All data is wiped from the electronics.3 R Technology ( E Waste recycler) accepted items list can be found here:https://3rtechnology.com/materials-accepted/ Students for Environmental Action (SEA) invites you to be an environmental hero! Bring clean styrofoam, packing peanuts in bags or boxes, bubble wrap and plastic film to be recycled–for free!This event is open to everyone! To learn more about Event click here: https://www.everettcc.edu/calendar/2022/01/styrofoam-recycling-event Location: Parking Lot F
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 – 10:00am to 2:00pm 

EVCC Green Fee

Are you a current student with ideas on how to make EvCC more sustainable?

The EvCC Student Green Fee has funds available and will be accepting student proposals Jan 1st through Jan 31st 2022.  

Submit yours to be a part of making EvCC a more sustainable place! 

For details and instructions or to learn about previously funded projects Click Here

In order to submit a proposal, please follow these instructions:

  1.  First, download and save both the budget proposal form, as well as the SMARTS worksheet
  2. Second, fill out the documents, saving them under the following format: ProjectPropsalName.Date.GreenFeeBPF and ProjectProposalName.Date.GreenFeeSMARTS (ex. SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeBPF and SolarPanels.1-10-2020.GreenFeeSMARTS).
  3. Finally, email completed documents to sustainability@everettcc.edu.

Background of the Green Fee:
In May 2018, EvCC students had the opportunity to vote on whether to assess the proposed Student Green Fee, a $0.50 (fifty cent) per credit fee, with a maximum of $7.50 for 15 credits that would fund various sustainability and environmentally-focused projects and activities on campus while giving the student body more influence over how the campus approaches sustainability. 

With 70% of ballots in favor of the proposed fee and board approval, fee collection began in Winter Quarter of 2019. The uses of the funds from this fee include:

  • Creation of the Campus Sustainability Fund to provide funding and resources to the campus community in the effort to advance the sustainability goals of the College and the ASEvCC.
  • Student employment opportunities in the Sustainability Office
  • Supplemental funds for outreach, education and materials for the Sustainability Office.
  • ASB Senate and BOT approved the Student Green Fee Financial Code 
  •  and Agreement Document 
  • as well as a Student Green Fee budget for the remainder of the fiscal year (Jan 2019-June 2019) in November, 2018.

EvCC Sustainability is hosting a FREE (open to all) Electronics Recycling Event on Tuesday, January 18th from 10 AM to 2 PM in Lot F.

Event is no touch (drive up/get unloaded by recycling staff). All data is wiped from the electronics.

3 R Technology ( E Waste recycler) accepted items list can be found here:

Students for Environmental Action (SEA) invites you to be an environmental hero! Bring clean styrofoam, packing peanuts in bags or boxes, bubble wrap and plastic film to be recycled–for free!

This event is open to everyone! To learn more about Event click here: https://www.everettcc.edu/calendar/2022/01/styrofoam-recycling-event

Location: Parking Lot F

Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 – 10:00am to 2:00pm 

Eco- Friendly Ways to De-Ice the roads and sidewalks !

shoveling snow off of icy sidewalkWith snow and ice piling up, you may be tempted to turn to harsh road salt and other chemicals to combat slippery surfaces.You’re not alone—but before you head to the hardware store, consider these green alternatives (the Earth and your pets will thank you).Driveways and walkways
Sand: While not the best at melting the snow, sand provides increased traction on surfaces, and can help your card from getting stuck in a snow pile.Sugar beet juice: The juice from sugar beets is an even better ice-melter than salt, and is much easier on plants and metal surfaces.
Coffee grounds: Like sand, the grainy texture of coffee grounds works wonders at providing increased traction on surfaces. It also is slightly better at melting snow and ice because of its dark color (which attracts more sunlight).Pickle brine: It might seem like this isn’t a very salt-free alternative, and you’re right. But when mixed with water, pickle juice has a similar effect as sugar beet juice, only with less staining power, and is still safe for plants and animals (and won’t corrode sensitive surfaces).Windows and delicate surfacesVinegar-water: Combine three parts white vinegar with one part water, and you have yourself the ultimate window de-icer. Spray on car windows if you’re in a hurry to defrost. 
A popular and relatively safe DIY de-icer uses dish soap and rubbing alcohol diluted in water.If you must use a commercial de-icer, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride are slightly less harmful to plants (and work at much lower temps) than rock salt (sodium chloride). Urea can work as a de-icer, too. Used sparingly, urea can be beneficial as a fertilizer. But it can also lead to eutrophication in downstream waters and burn plants at higher concentrations.The EPA maintains a list of de-icers that meet their Safer Choice Standards. These Safer Choice standards do not guarantee absolute safety to humans, pets, and the environment. But they do exclude the most harmful ingredients while assuring comparable product performance.Before reaching for de-icer, consider materials like sandbox sand or kitty litter that won’t melt ice but can provide traction. Fireplace ash is another choice; depending on your soil type, this could be beneficial to your plants. Alfalfa meal is another material that may serve as a fertilizer while also providing traction.Be the Good Neighbor!
Elderly or physically limited neighbors can’t apply your new de-icing knowledge without risking injury. About 100 Americans die shoveling snow every year. If you can make the time, offer to help clear a neighbor’s sidewalk to help prevent falls or worse. It’s a great way to establish a new relationship and make your community a better place.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and there a plenty of people finding a way to remove snow and ice inventively without the use of harsh chemicals. 
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year !!!May the 2022 bless you with health, wealth, and happiness!!! 

Eco-Friendly Holidays- Sustainable Travel Tips!

There’s no place like home for the holidays, and for many of us, celebrating with family and friends means traveling. Whether that calls for hopping in a car, getting on a plane, or choosing another mode of transportation, each holiday travel method has an impact on the environment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the modes by which people travel—and how frequently, too. According to Deloitte’s 2021 Holiday Travel Survey, 42% of Americans plan to travel between Thanksgiving and mid-January, taking an average of at least two trips.  

Across the board, the holiday season is known for its traffic. This holds true if you’re on the street in a car, bus, ride-share, or braving the crowds before taking to the skies. 2021 is projected to be a rebound from the quieter 2020 holiday season that most people had. 

In general, transportation generates harmful emissions, degrades air quality and water resources, and also exacerbates the effects of climate change. Globally, transportation makes up between 15-20% of annual emissions

Choosing how to get home for the holidays generally depends on your personal preference and what’s easiest for you. No matter which method you choose—be it by car, plane, or train!—there are plenty of simple steps you can take to better the planet while you’re on the road

We cannot control the carbon emissions of the planes we fly in, the chemicals used by the hotels in which we stay, or the plastics used in the souvenirs sold in the destinations we visit. But we can choose more eco-friendly transportation, hotels, tour operators, and shopping tactics that do less damage to the environment, and create more benefits for local people.

If you’re buying new luggage, consider options from sustainable brands. As you’re packing, avoid single-use products whenever possible, like travel-size plastic toiletries. You can also bring a reusable water bottle and cutlery along, reducing waste during your trip. Even the smallest steps can make an impact this holiday season. 


Including our usual sustainable habits like turning the lights off, not wasting food, avoiding creating trash, there’s a ton you can do to reduce your impact and do good whilst on tour.


Take your own travel mug / flask / water bottle

Support the local economy

Support eco-friendly, local tour companies

Hotel hacks

Mode of transport

Carbon offset programs

No more airline earphones

Renewable biofuels

Multi-purpose plug

Sustainability certifications

 Have a Happy and safe Holidays !!

America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and buy recycled products.  It is celebrated each year on November 15.  

Why is recycling so important?

Recycling helps extend the life and usefulness of something that has already served its initial purpose by returning it to its raw materials and then using those materials to produce something that is useable. It’s part of the three golden rules of sustainability (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) and has a lot of benefits both to us humans and to the environment. Virtually all the planet is impacted by how much we recycle.

Set New Green Goals on America Recycles Day

Even though America Recycles Day is just a day, think of it as a day to start new recycling goals for the upcoming year. Here are some ideas to consider for America Recycles Day.

  1. Find out if carton recycling is available in your area.  If it’s not, talk to the local recycling center about recycling cartons. The Carton Council has some great resources.
  2. Stop throwing away clothing and household textiles. Find a local clothing recycler or contact Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles Association (SMART) to find out where to donate.
  3. Avoid plastic bags by bringing your own bag, or simply declining the bag when you can.  When you have excess plastic bags, dry cleaner bags, or newspaper bags, bring them to your local retailer to recycle.
  4. Talk to your kids about recycling.  Beyond the typical paper, plastic, and aluminum, how can they recycle their clothes, toys, or electronics? How can they use recycled items into art projects or gifts?
  5. Get familiar with what you CAN and CAN’T recycle.  Here is a great refrigerator list, and a few more items you probably forgot.  Recyclable items can also vary by where you live, so check with your local recycling center too.
  6. Buy recycled when you can! When you purchase items that are made from recycled materials, you help eliminate the need for virgin materials. Buying art made of recycled materials can be even more meaningful. 

Find out what you can do to help make a difference in our environment every day. Whether you’re at home, on the go, in the office or at school, there are many opportunities to go green by reducing, reusing and recycling. Visit the links below to see how, and check out our Think Green Before You Shop poster for questions you can ask yourself before shopping to reduce, reuse and recycle more. 

Images of Plastics, metals, glass, and papers that can be recycled. Also images of what can not be recycled
Recycle More Poster (https://www.waynegov.com/404/Recycling)

Looking for more sustainability?  Check out the newly redesigned EvCC Sustainability web pages!