Recycling on campus is simple with EvCC’s comprehensive co-mingled recycling program! Blue and green recycling containers are located next to trash containers in all campus buildings. Use these containers as a single source for recycling for:
- Paper
- Plastic
- Aluminum
- Tin
- Glass
Commingled Materials means acceptable items such as aluminum cans and foil products, steel or tin cans, bi-metal cans, glass bottles, jars and jugs, plastic bottles, tubs, lids, and containers, which are not separated by type, but are mixed (mingled) together in one container.
Recycle used batteries, printer and toner cartridges and compact fluorescent lights at of the following locations across campus:
- Liberty Hall (LBH): 1st floor next to the North entrance doors, across from the Fitness Center.
- Gray Wolf Hall (GWH): 1st and 2nd floors next to the bathrooms.
- Glacier Hall (GLA): 1st floor Reception 101 next to the door.
- Shuksan Hall (SHK): Main Entrance on top of the EvCC clipper box on the right.
- Parks Student Union (PSU): 2nd floor next to the ATM near the bookstore.
- Whitehorse Hall (WHI): Next to the staircase by the Main Entrance.
- Olympus Hall (OLY): 2nd floor hallway next to copier.
Please remember to limit your deposit of CFL bulbs to 10 per day and make sure it’s free from plastic bags, ziplock or cardboard boxes.
The more we recycle, the less garbage winds up in our landfills and incineration plants. By reusing aluminum, paper, glass, plastics, and other materials, we can save production and energy costs, and reduce the negative impacts that the extraction and processing of virgin materials has on the environment.
View practices for recycling from our partners at Waste Management
So remember to recycle right and make sure your recycling efforts don’t go to waste.
Learn more about EvCC Sustainability www.everettcc.edu/green or email to sustainability@everettcc.edu