Sustainable Gardening

What is Sustainable Gardening?

Sustainable gardening is a term that has no technical definition. It’s the concept of using gardening practices that cause no harm to the earth and its inhabitants while attempting to actually enhance it. Words that define “sustain” and “sustenance” are support, preserve, keep alive, maintain, reinforce, and nourishment. These words help paint the picture. By practicing sustainable gardening, you practice good environmental stewardship.

Start gardening sustainably

Get rid of fertilizers, weedkillers, and other pesticides. Reduce the amount of water you waste on creating the perfect lawn. Fill your garden with native plants. And use everything you can in your garden as much as possible. We must stop thinking of our gardens only as somewhere to have a barbecue or catch some rays. 

Instead, we need to consider the amount of garden space that takes up the country and consider the effect that it has on the world around us. From helping local pollinators to helping with erosion control and stormwater management, the right plants in the right garden can change how we impact the world around us. And it’s easy to participate no matter the size of your space, even patios can be wildlife attractions. And when we stop adding chemicals to the soil and plants in our sustainable gardens, everyone benefits, now and for future generations.

Sustainability Office are Hiring! 

Positions in the Sustainability Office provide a unique opportunity for students to impact the future of EvCC’s sustainable growth and management. Students working in the Sustainability Office are also responsible for assisting with developing and implementing future sustainability projects and programs at EvCC.

Participate on the Green Fee Committee as a voting member

Gather batteries and bulbs from campus recycling stations for proper disposal

Gather old printer cartridges from recycling stations, box up for shipping.

Help cover campus Sustainability events and work as backup of other team members

Sustainability Officer

Student chair of the Green Fee Committee (GFC)

Organizing and hosting the GFC meetings and events

Attend all ASB Senate meetings and provide updates to the ASB Senate

Prepares annual budget with the RCM for GFC, presents this to ASB Senate for review

Checks sustainability email and participates in outreach and email response

Data and Programs Coordinator

Checks and enters energy data through EnergyCap and utility invoices into EvCC Portfolio Manager profile

Checks sustainability email and participates in outreach and email response

Attends GFC meetings and events, reports any spikes or anomalies it utility use to RCM

For more information contact:

Student LIFE
Parks Student Union, Rm 209
Phone: 425-388-9561

How to Apply:

Fill out applications for the jobs you want to apply for by April 28, 2024:

Send any supplemental documents, such as a resume or cover letter to
Free EvCC resources and resume assistance here! 

Email with any questions about your application. 

Requirements and Salary

Must be currently enrolled in 10 credits (unless otherwise described)

Must currently have a quarterly and cumulative GPA of at least a 2.5

Salary: $16.28 per hour

Hours: 12–16 hours per week (each position varies)
*RA compensation varies, see below for details.

To Apply Click here 👇

Learn more about EvCC Sustainability!

Mariya Zelenskyy – Media and Outreach Coordinator