Earth Day 2024- “Planet vs. Plastics”

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection.

The theme for World Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics”. This captivating theme aims to increase public awareness of the harmful effects that plastic pollution has on the environment and its inhabitants. It seeks to spark a global movement to significantly cut back on the use and manufacture of plastic. The official Earth Day organizers, EARTHDAY.ORG, are working toward a plastic-free future by advocating for a 60% decrease in plastic manufacturing by 2040.  They encourage individuals, businesses, and governments to take concrete actions like:

  • Eliminating Single-Use Plastics: Say no to straws, plastic bags, utensils, and water bottles.
  • Recycling and Com[posting Responsibly: To reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills, make sure that acceptable plastics are recycled and food scraps are composted.
  • Embracing Reusable Alternatives: Invest in reusable shopping bags, food containers, coffee mugs, and water bottles.
  • Advocating for Policy Change: Make sure your representatives are aware of the issue of plastic pollution and encourage them to take action.
  • Supporting Sustainable Businesses: Select companies that are dedicated to cutting back on plastic usage and making use of recyclable resources.

An excellent chance to become active in environmental action and significantly improve the earth is provided by International Mother Earth Day. Engage in neighborhood activities, plan clean-up campaigns, spread awareness in your neighborhood, and help turn “Planet vs. Plastics” into a reality.

Learn more about The Earth day click here:

Save the Day 

“Plan Swap Event”

Holy Horticultural Hyperbole, Plantman! The Plant Swap Returns April 25, 10-2.

You have a thing for free stuff, I hear. Luckily, you can grab up a load of plant stuff and all it will cost you is a smile!  It’s Plant Swap time, where we bring in great green gobs of growth to the Whitehorse Crit Space and you come and take it off our hands. All you need to do is have something to put your treasures in as you cart them away.

Right now is your opportunity to help out with donations of green things for the Swap. Think of any plants, seeds, bulbs, or implements of destruction you might want to donate for the swap and wander them over to drop off inside the Maintenance Office from 7-4 Monday-Thursday before the swap, and we’ll add them to the inventory. We’ve got people (like the incredible Dennis & Jill Ryan, the EvCC Grounds crew and WSU Horticulture group) that have already donated and potted up a ton of stuff for you. They can take your donations and get them sorted and appropriately potted.

So come on down and help the cause with some of your donations. More times and details are to be revealed as soon as we make them up, so send questions to and get your calendar marked in green for Plant Swap on April 25.

We are Hiring! 

Positions in the Sustainability Office provide a unique opportunity for students to impact the future of EvCC’s sustainable growth and management. Students working in the Sustainability Office are also responsible for assisting with developing and implementing future sustainability projects and programs at EvCC.

Participate on the Green Fee Committee as a voting member

Gather batteries and bulbs from campus recycling stations for proper disposal

Gather old printer cartridges from recycling stations, box up for shipping.

Help cover campus Sustainability events and work as backup of other team members

Sustainability Officer

Student chair of the Green Fee Committee (GFC)

Organizing and hosting the GFC meetings and events

Attend all ASB Senate meetings and provide updates to the ASB Senate

Prepares annual budget with the RCM for GFC, presents this to ASB Senate for review

Checks sustainability email and participates in outreach and email response

Data and Programs Coordinator

Checks and enters energy data through EnergyCap and utility invoices into EvCC Portfolio Manager profile

Checks sustainability email and participates in outreach and email response

Attends GFC meetings and events, reports any spikes or anomalies it utility use to RCM

For more information contact:

Student LIFE
Parks Student Union, Rm 209
Phone: 425-388-9561

How to Apply 1-2-3!

Fill out applications for the jobs you want to apply for by April 28, 2024:

Send any supplemental documents, such as a resume or cover letter to
Free EvCC resources and resume assistance here! 

Email with any questions about your application. 

Requirements and Salary

Must be currently enrolled in 10 credits (unless otherwise described)

Must currently have a quarterly and cumulative GPA of at least a 2.5

Salary: $16.28 per hour

Hours: 12–16 hours per week (each position varies)
*RA compensation varies, see below for details.

To Apply Click here 👇

For more positions click here 👇

Learn more about EvCC Sustainability!

Mariya Zelenskyy – Media and Outreach Coordinator

Sustainability Blog