Christmas Tree Recycling

Everett Community College is recycling Christmas trees for free Jan. 2-31. 

Trees can be dropped off between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.  Trees must be free of decorations, tinsel and other non-biodegradable materials. No flocked trees will be accepted. 

EvCC is located at 2000 Tower St. in Everett. Drop off trees in the marked area in parking lot F. To see the location of parking lot F, visit and click Campus Map. 

EvCC has been recycling holiday trees since 2009. Last year, EvCC collected more than 250 trees that were turned into woodchips on site and used for campus flower beds and mulch. 

For more information, call 425-388-9512

EvCC Community Kitchen Club

One of the most interesting clubs on campus is the Community Kitchen club. The premise of Community Kitchen is anyone can come to work together with others to prepare a wide variety of dishes in themed cooking and baking events.

Very often; several of the ingredients used in community kitchen events are grown right here at the college. These include red onions, garlic, herbs, and much more! The next event will be held on January 30th 5:00 pm in Monte Cristo 111. The theme is Italian comfort food! Cost of attendance is $5 at the door. For more information contact Laura Wild at

EvCC Bird Garden Update

A crow looking down at his kingdom.

Ever noticed the dead tree by where Index Hall used to be, and wondered why something like that has been put there? Birds of prey, woodpeckers, and other kinds of birds love dead trees (called snags) and you will often see them making use of it for perching. This is where the EvCC Bird Garden is located!

This garden has been carefully designed to appeal to birds and their needs with native Washington state plants and water features for them to cool off in! Take a peek the next time your walking to class, you may just spot a cool avian friend!

SEA Club visits the Beacon Hill Food Forest!

Last Saturday, EvCC’s SEA club took a trip to the Beacon Hill Food Forest in Seattle to see what kinds of environmental action other people are taking in the community! This was a really fun place to visit and they had a great variety of plants, fruits, and vegetables. From fig trees, to squashes, native blackberries, gooseberries, blueberries, tomatoes, flowers, peas, nuts, and much more. There are places for people to rent private garden space as well and they are working on expanding the size of the food forest at Beacon Hill.

But what is a food forest? A food forest is a gardening technique/land management system that features creating a more natural forest-like environment with different types of plants including fruit and nut trees, edible perennials, berry shrubs, and other edible plants. Opposed to industrial agriculture which focuses more on harvesting a single kind of crop repeatedly on plots of land. Beacon Hill Food Forest is driven by volunteer action to create change at the grassroots level. If you would like to find out more about the Beacon Hill Food Forest visit their website at:

Tree Planting Event at Thornton Sullivan Park

The future rests on your shoulders, young one…

Did you know that last Saturday was Green Everett Day? Over the weekend the Students for Environmental Action(SEA) Club participated in a tree planting event hosted in Silver Lake, Everett at Thornton Sullivan Park. Volunteers from all over Everett and beyond came out to plant over a hundred trees and shrubs to promote clean air and to provide shelter for some of the local fauna. A greener future starts with a seed and a dream! If you would like to partake in future Green Everett events; visit their website via the following link:

Wild Mushrooms Show!

The Snohomish Mycological Society held the Wild Mushroom Show at Forest Park in Everett on Sunday. There were so many different kinds of mushrooms and fungi there! There was a great wild mushroom/fungi identification class at this event and I learned a lot about identifying mushrooms, which ones were edible, how they grew, and more! I learned that some mushrooms can even be used to absorb and biodegrade oil and other pollutants that might end up in water! If you’d like to find out more about the Snohomish Mycological Society, learn more about fungi in the Pacific Northwest, or become a member please visit their website at

Cedar Grove and Sound Sustainable Farms

I had the opportunity to tour both Cedar Grove, in Everett, and Sound Sustainable Farms, in Redmond.

While at Cedar Grove, I was able to watch the composting process in action. The most notable aspect of the visit was how much plastic makes its way into composting bins and then how much effort must be used to successfully remove it.

On my trip to Sound Sustainable Farms, I was able to see the results of using Cedar Grove’s compost to grow produce. By using the compost from Cedar Grove, Sound Sustainable Farms is able to grow nutritious food, while also making sure they leave the soil in better condition than they found it. As we toured the farm, I was able to stop and pick tomatoes, carrots, beets, and a pumpkin! I loved seeing how Cedar Grove and Sound Sustainable Farms overlapped with one another and how they worked at incorporating sustainable practices.

To learn more about Cedar Grove and Sound Sustainable Farms, visit their websites:  and

Taiko Performance at EvCC!

On October 10th EvCC held a incredible taiko drum show! These performers are part of a taiko drum group called Okinawa Wakati-da Chinjinshuu that came all the way from the japanese prefecture of Okinawa! The performances were beautiful and fun to watch. One of my favorite things there was the performance using the Okinawan lion costumes otherwise called Shishimai. If these creatures bite you traditions tell that you’ll have good luck for the rest of your life! And the cups they were using for the tea were compostable!  Big thanks to Okinawan Kenjin Kai Chijinshuu for hosting them in Washington State!

Reading Material at the Library!

The world and how we as a species relate to it is changing and evolving faster than we can comprehend it.  Human activity is the main driving force behind these changes to our environment. Human activity will also have to be the solution to some of these problems. Even though things are changing faster than we can process it, it doesn’t mean we can’t try. The library at EvCC has some really interesting reading material regarding the various aspects of our changing world. These books not only discuss some of the issues that we face in the coming future, but also provides possible solutions to some of the problems that ail our planet. Here are some of my favorites that the library has to offer:

Throwaway Nation: The Ugly Truth about American Garbage  by Jeff Dondero

Arguably the most discouraging book of the bunch. This book reads sort of like a prequel to Disney Pixar’s Wall-E. The book talks about an age where we’re literally burying our planet and outer space in waste. From single-use plastics contaminating our oceans to fast fashion waste products poisoning the soil, the book provides lots of research into how some of America’s largest industries are affecting the planet. All is not without hope though, as Dondero provides us with lifestyle consumer suggestions that would help alleviate some of the strain. This book on waste is not a waste of your time!

Growing a Sustainable City? The Question of Urban Agriculture by Christina D. Rosan and Hamil Pearsall

When discussing sustainability, the topic of the environment usually comes to the front of our minds. However, social and economic sustainability are also important factors that fall under the sustainability banner. The book tackles a ton of different problems that plague urban societies such as food insecurity, storm water runoffs, and even unemployment from unique angles. The book also discusses how the development of urban agricultural policies (which are at the heart of progress towards sustainability) are marred by stakeholders and racial and class tensions. Growing a Sustainable City? offers a holistic and captivating picture of efforts to transition to sustainability in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet by Varun Sivaram

Our civilization is facing an energy crisis. The societies that we’ve built during the industrial ages is reliant on the very substance that threatens to destroy them. Currently, solar energy is responsible for a mere 2% of the world’s energy production yet shows much potential as a renewable source of energy to help power the planet. Taming the Sun not only informs readers of the science and technology behind the future of solar energy, but also discusses how policy making and capital investment are at the core of solar energy’s success. Varun Sivaram’s realistic and even-headed arguments are so well articulated you’d wonder why you hadn’t heard them before.

Our Native Bees: North America’s Endangered Pollinators and the Fight to Save Them by Paige Embry

Did you know that there are over 4,000 species of bees that exist in North America? While Honey bees (which are actually a European import) often take the spotlight when talking about our planets most reliable pollinators, many of North America’s native bee species are more efficient pollinators and are just as endangered. With detailed and engaging full-colored pictures, Our Native Bees serves as a fun introduction to the many bee species that live in North America and follows the natural history of bees in the US. If you’re a fan of this fascinating fauna then do yourself a favor and check out this book!

EvCC Bird Garden

The EvCC Bird Garden on the west side of Index Hall.

Tweet tweet! Did you know that Everett Community College has it’s very own bird garden? It is located between Index Hall and Graywolf Hall, features many plants that are native to Washington, and even a has water feature so birds can cool off on these hot summer days.

Bird friendly water features so they can stay hydrated or take a refreshing dip.

The EvCC Office of Sustainability teamed up with Cedar Grove and the Audubon Society to ensure that the plants and garden design were bird friendly. The choice to use native plants ensures that not only will the birds be happy, but it requires less maintenance and resources than if it utilized non-native plants. Many of the flowers are currently in full bloom so when you have a moment stop by and practice your bird-watching skills!